Dear friend,

I have shocking news!

My wife, Nydia Stone, was attacked by a leftist goon in front of our home one evening late last week. We had to call the police.

Since we are all now banned on the internet you may not have heard. Here are the facts.

Mrs. Stone had sustained significant injuries on December 23rd when a pit-bull attacked her and one of our two dogs while she was walking them in the morning hours. Mrs. Stone was badly bitten and our female Yorkie, “Mimi,” underwent three surgeries in order to survive. 

Fortunately, Mrs. Stone did not sustain any new injuries in this senseless attack by a man on a bicycle shouting obscenities and accusing us of being “Russian Traitors.” I took Mrs. Stone to urgent care the next day and the injuries sustained in the attack by the pit-bull and aggravated by the wild attack from some ANTIFA-type terrorist will require surgery. 

My wife has been my rock in my epic two-year struggle for freedom when I was framed by Mueller’s witch hunt and pressured to lie and bear false witness against the President. This unprovoked attack on her is beyond belief! She is home and safe and doing fine.

Prior to President Trump granting me a full pardon for my unjust conviction on fabricated charges in a totally rigged trial in Washington DC, we have been struggling to get our life on track so I can begin making a living for my family again. Because of Robert Mueller’s witch-hunt; we lost our home, our savings, most of our insurance and for two-and-a-half-years I have been unable to make a living. The veterinary bill for the three surgeries to save our dog, “Mimi,” is $5,800.

The surgery on Mrs. Stone’s knee is mostly covered by the little insurance we have left but we are struggling on a daily basis. While I remain focused on writing a book - “Roger Stone Did Nothing Wrong - My Political Persecution & The Heist of the 2020 Election” - and revamping my website, to return to political commentary.

When the FBI raided my studio in Florida at the same time they raided my home they smashed my computers, destroyed our internet camera's and slashed the cords on my higher quality microphones. I was unable to make a living for almost two years due to the Judge's crazy gag-order. Then I worked hard for the President's re-election without any affiliation with his campaign.

I am seeking to get my weekly podcast "Perfectly Clear" up, revamp my website and do a daily video-cast plus demolishing the lies of CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, the Washington Post and rest of the fake news liars.

Our launch efforts plus these crushing medical bills require me to appeal once again to you for your help. As you know we have pledged our best efforts to donate an amount equal to what the Stone Family Support Fund raises when we get back on our feet.

Please send a contribution to the to help us in the dark days ahead. 

I fear my fight for freedom is not over.  The incoming Biden Justice Department and Department of Homeland Security have made it abundantly clear that they are going to charge anyone who expressed an opinion that the 2020 election was stolen as “seditious” and claim we are “domestic terrorists.” 

By doing so, they can invoke the counterterrorism laws adopted after 9/11 which will allow supporters of the President to have all their communications (phone, text, e-mail) seized and reviewed without a warrant, and prosecutors will no longer need “probable cause” to detain any US Citizen secretly for any length of time.

In other words, Biden’s dirty cops want to suspend the Constitution and destroy all political opposition. They claim that using the word “fight” in any pro-Trump speech makes you vulnerable to a charge of sedition and treason. 

Led by left-winger Merrick Garland, Rod Rosenstein, Jonathan Kravitz, Aaron Zelinsky and David Goldstein -these vicious left-wing manipulators will arrange to have prominent Americans like Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan and Josh Hawley, Louie Gohmert and Mo Brooks jailed for imply fulfilling their Constitutional duties and speaking on the floors of Congress against voter fraud Which has now been declared a crime by the thugs around Joe Biden who are salivating at the prospect of arresting and jailing every prominent Conservative in the country.

If these left wing radicals have their way - Rudy Giuliani will be arrested, Donald Trump Jr. will be arrested, Tucker Carlson will be arrested, Sean Hannity will be arrested, Alex Jones will be arrested- and I will be arrested again!

Because all of these conservative and Republican leaders are being charged by the DC government, the epically corrupt DC U.S. Attorney’s office - the same people who tortured me, General Michael Flynn and Manafort will prosecute the cases and will railroad every Conservative leader into prison.

Andrew Weissmann, the twisted, sadistic and most famously corrupt U.S. prosecutor in history is demanding that I be charged again, even though he wrote the formal report for the Mueller witch-hunt, admitting that there was no evidence that Stone had committed any crime. This blood-thirsty little animal, Weissmann is calling for my head. 

I thought this witch-hunt was over when the President gave me a full and unconditional pardon on December 23rd. Little did I know that these sleazy manipulators would try again to frame me as well as seeking to imprison every key Conservative leader who stood up for the President.

Your support to the Stone Family Support fund is urgently needed as we prepare for this new challenge. God Bless the thousands of Americans who have sent their prayers.

God Bless You,


PS- Happy New Year!